CREATE A PATIENT PORTAL ACCOUNT TO: PAY a bill, VIEW details about lab results and upcoming appointments, SEND secure messages with staff, UPDATE contact and insurance info, and READ important forms.
Mogul Medical is In Network with Blue Cross Blue Shield, Presbyterian, Medicare and New Mexico Medicaid. We are Out of Network with all other insurances (this is typical for a ski clinic). We can file any insurance for you except out-of-state Medicaid or IHS. If you have travelers insurance or foreign insurance, you will have to pay today and then file with your insurance company. Patients are responsible for any balance not paid by their insurance carrier. Prescription medications dispensed here are NOT covered by any insurance (this includes oxygen).
You have two payment options today:
1) YOU PAY YOUR BILL IN FULL TODAY – 25% discount We do not file your claim. You receive a 25% discount for professional service, pharmaceuticals excluded. (This works well for plans with a high deductible.)
2) WE FILE YOUR INSURANCE We need your insurance card. We understand that skiers do not always carry one so we ask for a copy of both sides of your card within 48 hours. After 48 hours you will be directly billed by our billing company and you will then need to file your claim yourself.
What you will pay for today regardless of payment choice:
Oxygen / nitrous oxide
Some soft supplies
X-ray copies
PLEASE NOTE: Patients are responsible for any balance not paid by their insurance carrier.
Phone: (575) 776 8421
Fax: (575) 776-8942
Email: clinic@mogulmedical.com
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 67, Taos Ski Valley, NM 87525
Physical Address: 5 Firehouse Rd. Taos Ski Valley, NM 87525